To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the most important thing is how quickly and accurately the infected person is identified.
For this, a COVID-19 detection kit(or diagnostic kit) is essential, and Korea has already exported the COVID-19 detection kit to the world from the beginning of the pandemic.

However, as many brokers intervene in the distribution process, it is true that they are sold at very high prices to end consumers.
You will be able to purchase a high-accuracy diagnostic kit from Korea at a good price through us.

Diagnostic kits are largely divided into a gene amplification test diagnostic kit (PCR kit), a rapid immune antibody diagnosis kit (Rapid kit), and a rapid antigen diagnosis kit.
The rapid kit can easily check whether an individual has been infected within 10 to 20 minutes, but because it can be confirmed only when the infection has progressed to some extent, quarantine authorities in each country mainly purchase and use a PCR-based diagnostic kit.
For PCR-based diagnosis, a Collection kit for collecting specimens from humans, an Extraction kit for extracting RNA from the samples, and a PCR kit for PCR analysis are required. In addition, PCR analysis machine is required.
You can find all of this here, and you can negotiate a purchase contract at a good price.

PCR diagnostic kit
($8.0~ /test)

Rapid kit (antibody)
($5.5~ /test)

Collection kit
($1.8~ /test)

Extraction kit
($1.8~ /test)

PCR machine